Monday, January 28, 2013

Why do teens stink at reading people?

     I can definitely believe the results of the study conducted that teens have difficulties reading people. In my personal experience in high school, I can remember a dozen memories that still sting from when I misread a situation. Insecurity is rampant in high school, it really is a bit of a twisted social experiment. Thinking about who are my friends right now, there are a few that I can say are for sure my friends but many more people I converse with fall into an unknown category. On a daily basis my peers and I misinterpret each other.  Perhaps we misunderstand each other due to the intensity of our experiences in our adolescent years. As we struggle with our own identities, the events around us are magnified. In this myriad of emotions it is easy to see how we could get confused.  Perhaps a reason high school occupies such a large place in our heart is because the rejections we feel have been magnified. At the root of those rejections, however is failure to read one another.

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