Friday, November 9, 2012

Research Paper Update

1) My topic is the causes and effects of the Arab Spring.
2) Opposing Viewpoints Center: Arab Spring was initiated by a desire for social justice This article makes the argument that the Arab Spring was triggered by a desire for democracy. It goes on to analyze the feelings of the demonstrators and the reasons for the shift.
 Opposing Viewpoints Center: Social Media Ignited the Arab Spring
This article describes the ways social media was used during the Arab Spring and argues that without social networking it is unlikely the arab spring would've taken place.
Opposing Viewpoints Center: The Arab Spring has destabilized the Middle East This article looks at the effects of the Arab Spring rather than the causes and argues that the Arab Spring has had a destabilizing effect on the Middle East.
Human Rights Watch: Tunisia should investigate attacks
This article by the Human Rights Watch attacks Tunisia for human rights violations over a year after their pro-democratization shift.
New York Times Editorial: Making the revolution in Libya work This article describes some of the predicted future challenges Libya will face post-democratization

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