Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Box-Man Post-Discussion Questions

1) One new thing I  learned about the essay from the discussion was how the season plays in a role in influencing how we view the box-man. The author chooses to not show the harshness of homelessness in winter so that the reader can understand the box-man's decision to accept loneliness.
2) I wish we had talked more about the two women mentioned later in the essay because I feel that they are the examples the author most wants the reader to see. We really didn't explore them in any depth.
3)  I wish I had said earlier "It's not what is said, but how it's said" because I felt like we spent too much time on the interpretation.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Looking to the Stars for my Senior Project

When it came time for me to choose my senior project at the end of last year I knew I wanted to use a completely fresh topic. I decided I would benefit more from the project if it was something I had next to zero experience with because by the end of it I would have a completely new skill. I felt if I had done something I was already passionate about and had put the hours into, I wouldn't gain nearly as much from the project.

At first I just didn't know what that topic would be. I thought about cooking, psychology, kayaking rock climbing, scuba diving. Then one day I thought about astronomy. My only experience with stargazing has been on camping trips with my parents and other knowledgable adults, and I by no means consider myself an expert on the subject or let alone proficient. I came to realize that this was something I'd always wanted to do, but just not quite enough to make time for. I figured this project would be the perfect opportunity to discover astronomy.

My project will be to take a large group of friends, family, adults, peers and fellow Napans on a night hike. I would like to be able to give a tour of the stars complete with scientific facts, legends, folklore and fun stories. By the end of this project I hope to be able to look at the stars and know their stories on any night in any area of the earth.