Sunday, October 14, 2012's Hollywood Prospectus Blog's Hollywood Prospectus Blog is a quality blog! This blog is effective and entertaining for numerous reasons.
1) It is updated frequently and there is a lot of content. Every weekday there are probably a half dozen new posts on the blog.
2) The blog is diverse and it effectively uses different media. There are links to youtube videos, there are videos created by the Grantland site. There are links to original podcasts, there is quality writing with images created by their design team. Oh and there are links to their facebook and twitter pages.
3) It has consistency to it. No matter what article you click on the sidebar still has links to the top stories, and the top bar has links to all the different features offered by the website. The color scheme is red and white. The logo is the same throughout, the font is the same, the links are always in read and certain features occur on specific weekdays (for example the podcast for hollywood prospectus in general is on Tuesdays and the reality-tv friday podcast is always on fridays)
4) There is quality writing from numerous writers. Something that sets the Hollywood Prospectus blog above other pop culture blogs is that there are numerous voices and angles instead of just one. Sometimes they run features where two writers exchange emails. These discussions along with their podcasts where they argue back and forth provide multiple angles on particular subjects. The writing is very clever and funny and the writers are from diverse backgrounds.
5) The Blog uses tags, headlines and links to make things easy to find.
6) They also analyze past pop culture. The blog does a magnificent job of looking at current events such as the Emmy's oscar's, the newest summer blockbuster or Quentin Tarantino trailer, but rather than just be content with the current news, they also go back and look at previous eras, which allows younger folk to become more culturally literate.
7) There is a sense of reader involvement. All the writer's twitter handles are available and sometimes they reference tweets in their columns. Also there are polls given out such as the Sequeltology bracket which determined which movie sequel was the greatest of all time (If your curious and too lazy to click the link The Empire Strikes Back beat The Godfather II in the finale).
All in all Hollywood Prospectus is a quality blog and an easy way to lose hours of your life.

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