Monday, October 1, 2012

I want a husband

I want a husband who earns all the money in the family, allowing me to spend time at home with my children who I treasure more than anything or anyone that came before them. I want a husband who comes home on time, leaves work at work and smiles the second he walks in the door. I would love a husband who comes home and plays outside with the kids, does all the heavy lifting, does all the yard-work, offers to cook dinner and do the dishes despite just getting home from a long day. If he asked me about my day and listened intently that wouldn't hurt.
I would love if he played a musical instrument or sang for me. If he was constantly creative and romantic with our dates I would feel special. If he wrote me poetry and bought me flowers just because then he'd have my favor.
If he never showed a hint of jealousy when I chatted with other men at dinner parties that would be just wonderful. I'd love for him to be kind, handsome, with a good taste in fashion and decor. I want a husband who is knowledgable about nearly everything, from the sinks to our cars. I want a husband who reads in his spare time.
I want a husband who is social, funny and impressive to everyone I show him off to, but not so much that he diminishes me.
I want a husband who is clean and neat. He insists on doing his own laundry, grooms himself obsessively, has no hints of facial hair and cares about how dry or moist his skin is.
I want a husband who takes pride in all of his little achievements but has no grand ambitions. He would be content with being with me.
I want him to tell me every day how much he loves me. I want him to be sentimental. I want to sit with him pouring over photo albums. I want to sit through romantic comedies with him and for him to cry in them occasionally. I want him to never be embarrassed of me.
I want him to understand me, to read my mind and moods. I want him to comfort me in my sad times. I want him to be there for me.

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